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Our Services Old

Highly-rated customer service

When you choose Ken’s Gym Solutions, you choose the best. Delivering excellent customer service is one of our core values. We will take care of you every step of the way through your fitness experience, from start, to finish, and beyond.

Quality Control

Because of our focus on providing the very best, you won’t find foreign copywriters who barely have a grasp of English, bait and switch schemes or anything but the very best. Our copywriters are also legally bound by a non-disclosure agreement, so your hot new campaign idea is safe from the prying eyes of your competitors.


We offer a variety of services from a number of different copywriters. Because we want to match you with the best copywriter for the job, we’ll need information on your project before we can quote a price. By providing a rough word count, a creative brief and the level of performance you expect, we’ll find the perfect fit for your needs.