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Body-Solid Bench Rack Combo (SDIB370)

Fitness Professionals, Coaches and Trainers agree that the highly efficient Combo Bench/Squat Package by Body Solid is a perfect fit for any Fitness Facility.  The Bench/Rack combination gives users the ability to utilize squats, bench presses, incline and shoulder presses in a small space efficient footprint.

Designed with an extra-wide 4-point stance, the SDIB370 is a rock-solid performer that features a 7° reverse pitch that accommodates your body’s natural lifting path. Lift-off and safety positions are right where you want the so racking the bar is always comfortable and predictable. Perform squats, calf raises, lunges, dead-lifts, upright rows, and many, many more power building exercises.


109,600.00 for 3 item(s)

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